Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Hi!  This is "blog one".  It may be "blog last" too, it depends if I can figure all this out.

The names have been changed to protect the innocent :)

Anyhoo... I am a mother of three great kids.  A Son; "Deedub" is 22, A Girl; "Middle" is 17, and to complete the trio is "Little" and she is 14.  I was married to their father for 13-1/2 years or there about (It seems as though I was another person then).  That divorce was a hell that I will keep to myself, because I don't live that life anymore.

I live a great life with a great guy.  We are not married (don't judge it isn't nice).  We call each other "Baboo" I have not a clue why.  But anyone that knows us, knows that's par for the course.  Everyone gets a name other than their own it seems in our house.  Our Dog, who's name was Star, also answered to any of the following:
Lardo J. Bucket, Buck, Lardo, StarBaby. (See what I mean?  Crazy. I mean who names their dog multiple names? and for that matter what dog answers to them all? To me it's totally normal.)  Sadly Buck passed away in July of 2011.  She is greatly missed. 

We are also guardians of a cat.  Murphy.  Her real name is Dusty, but is currently known as "The Meerkat". (See what I mean?  It happens every time!) We originally were supposed to have "Meer" for a week or two... It's been over a year.  She's adopted us, and trained us well.  Baboo was so excited to learn that cats "go" in a box he decided he might actually like her.  This is his first cat, can you tell?  She gives paw, comes when she's called via a whistle or any of the names we've given her, runs to the door to check out who is coming in, basically every non-cat characteristic known to man.  She's a dog trapped in a cats body I swear it.  I've often wondered if she is Buck reincarnated.  Whatever she is we love her. I mean really, how couldn't you?  Just look at her. 

So where was I?  Oh yea, Baboo... (sorry I get off track sometimes).  Baboo has two grown children of his own and had the guts (or insanity) to take in 3 more kids and me when we decided it was the right time for me to move in.  I can tell you it isn't always easy, but I wouldn't have it any other way.  He keeps me grounded.  He's a wonderful step-dad to the kids. (I've heard stories from his kids about how he's mellowed.  That's probably a good thing.)  Even though his mental state is somewhere between slightly askew and certifiable, and mine rivals his, but add estrogen & PMS (you get the picture.)  I love him all the same.  I can't and will not imagine a day without him in my life or our "blended families" life.

So there is a little background about me.  I might write about any of the peeps in my life, or something I see, feel or hear. I may write about sad moments, or I may just bring you a taste of the crazy that is my insanely blessed life.  I may write about things that tick me off or make me deliriously happy.  I'll try to stay positive about things, however if I'm ticked you'll know !  I might even use a "bad" word now and again, and if you know me, the might is more like absodamnlutely! I also may disappear for awhile, so don't worry.  It just means I'm either busy at work (which of course is where a lot of this will make it to the web... Hush don't tell the bossman) or I just don't have a clue about what to write.  

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